
body transformation - my workout and diet plan

I've got some questions regarding exercise and diet that I thought to answer in this post. Do you have any other questions then just ask!
I can also answer people personally by mail.

When did you start exercising? And how many times a week do you exercise?

I started training at the beginning of February. Since then I started training, I have trained about as often as I can, I've been a little slowing of training since mid-March due to a back injury I had, but it has finally been improved so now I start up fully again.

How much and what do you eat?

First I must say something to comment founders I've got that I eat too little and that I have to learn to eat properly. I eat when I'm hungry and I starve myself absolutely not. I often eat and enough that I will be satisfied. Every day for several weeks, I've eaten about this, and it works out very well for me. It's nice that people care, but I eat really not too little compared to what my body needs.

Do you eat candy?

I try my best to avoid sweets. But, of course, once in a while, so I could spoon a little. My rule of thumb is that it is only allowed to eat any form of sweets or cakes on Saturdays, otherwise not. Should I get myself something sweet at night, so I usually eat or berries, especially strawberries, it's so good

Have you lost any weight?

I have indeed! Weighed me about three weeks ago and when I weighed 60kg, now I've gone down to 55kg. I think I weighed about 63-65kg when I started training. If you wish, I can probably post a before and after picture.

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